Insurance coverage is not always there when you need it the most. It is usually in your hour of greatest need when you learn that insurance coverage will not apply. In some instances, the insurance company for the responsible party disputes liability and says you were at fault and not their insured. The responsible party denies an accident was their fault. There are no witnesses. It is your word against theirs.
In other cases, your insurance company denies coverage saying that an exclusion hidden in the policy applies. When this happens you feel powerless. You feel betrayed and cheated. You have faithfully paid your insurance premiums on time for years. Then when you need help the most from the insurance company that says they have your back in countless television commercials they turn their back on you.
It is important to have lawyers committed to fighting for your interests when dealing with powerful insurance companies who deny you coverage. You need lawyers who are experienced in helping you investigate claims on your behalf who understand the complexities of litigating against insurance companies.